Rex: Hyperactivity Case Study 

While hyperactivity might seem like a minor behavioral issue, or something that will hopefully just go away, it is important for dog owners to acknowledge that it IS a behavioral issue in the first place. From there, we can then acknowledge the myth of dogs just “growing out” of their bad behaviors.

Don’t get me wrong – aging can help calm a dog down. Biologically, their bodies and metabolisms slow down. So Fido at one year old might be jumping all over guests coming into home. But on his seventh birthday, he might not care anymore or even have the strength to jump on anyone anymore.

But in reality, do we need to WAIT for a dog to grow older in order to behave? Absolutely not! This behavioral issues can be addressed immediately, and they should! While we must take into consideration that a puppy or young dog might be hyper due to his/her’s age, there’s a lot more behind the behavior. Usually, there is disobedience, poor leadership, limited exercise, lack of direction, and extreme anxiety causing the hyperactivity.

Take for instance, my most recent hyperactive case study: Rex here recently turned four-years-old. His incessant jumping on people, his aimless running in the house and outside, and his destructive behavior have been occurring since he was six months old. His owner Tracie was able to prevent destructive chewing 95% of the time with the constructive use of Rex’s crate.

However, it was always mayhem whenever Tracie came home or had guests over to the house. Rex would run around in circles whining, and constantly jump. When outside, he would run around in circles again. Initially, Tracie thought this was fine and that this running would drain some of Rex’s energy. But even after an hour of running in the yard or afternoons at a doggie daycare, Rex STILL had so much energy leftover, and he was directing that energy is a negative manner.

Tracie is a prime example of the hopeful owner that prayed her dog would eventually grow out of his manic behavior. Instead, Rex learned that his manic behavior was the norm, and was accepted by his owner. It was time for Tracie to teach Rex the appropriate behaviors and to help him burn that excess energy in a productive way.

Instead of doggie daycare, Tracie taught Rex some fun training exercises that strengthened his focus, and kept mentally stimulated. While some of these exercises weren’t physically grueling, it made Rex think more and stay alert, which both educated him and exhausted him! He still needed plenty of exercise so Tracie made an effort to walk him more and play more games where she engaged Rex and kept his attention.

Through all this, Rex not only learned how to get all his energy out, he also learned the benefits of obedience and calm behavior. Because of utilizing reward-based techniques, Rex was making better choices, not because he HAD to, but because he WANTED to!

If you have a hyperactive dog, do not wait like Tracie did with Rex…address the issue at once! Call me at 800-649-7297 or email me at and we will get your dog on the path to success!